Hubert Selby Jr.'s masterwork is just that: a masterwork. There are a range of joys to explore in this novel, including Selby...
The chaotic events in his life may have Harry Dresden feeling Dead Beat...but his books have never been more energized!As an ...
4.75★★★★★ Monster in His Eyes by JM Darhower (Monster in His Eyes #1)There was this girl named Karissa, who fell head over he...
This story is about mirror image twins separated when they were only 3 or 4 years old. The heroine, Kristy, has no idea she h...
At first had no idea where I was getting into. But as events unfolded in such a detail and focus, I got the impression I was ...
Talking about fancy luxury apparel packaging it should also be kept in mind that these boxes and packaging are not just to ma...
التعليق على هذا الكتاب هو من أصعب المهامّ بكلّ تأكيد. فالكاتب علي عزت بيجوفيتش هو أستاذ بكل ما لكلمة أستاذ من معنى. والتعليق ...